Investigation of targeted anti-trans hate crime leads to suspects
A Bozeman white nationalist allegedly coordinated and posted pics of hate fliers on social media via a known neo-nazi suspect who previously threatened a Billings trans woman
Shortly after 2 a.m. on November 24, 2024 someone Facebook messaged and said they saw my name on a flier on a dumpster in an alley between 10th and 11th Alderson Avenue in Billings, Montana, and thought I should know about it because they were not sure if they should take it down, or leave it for possible evidence of a hate crime.
I told them I would go check it out because if it were the people I suspected of doing it, there would likely be more. There was. (About 80-100.)
Based on the words “transexual child groomer” and use of my old name “Adrian,” I knew it was likely the neo nazi “Big Sky Active Club” (as well as National Socialist Movement) member Andrew “Sal” Salacinski. He is also affilated with the White Lives Matter Montana hate group.
Salacinski is notorious for putting up white nationalist propaganda and has issued what easily could be construed as a violent threats at me in the past as pictured on this February 17 post from 2023.
“So, you might know someone who obsessively hates you that much in that they would do such a thing like put up 100 colored hate speech fliers of you?” “Yes.”
In this Twitter screenshot, Salacinski’s handle is replying to me about dragging me in a 4 wheeler. His ilk got me banned from doing an Indigenous history lecture at a Butte, Mont. library because of Montana anti-drag law the week prior.
Me when I hear people complain about “cancel culture” as an Indigenous trans women in a red state…😒
Unlike many white nationalists in similar groups, Salacinski does little to disguise his involvement, often not even wearing a mask as others do while doing things like having his notable wrist tattoo visible while putting up propaganda.
He once actually posted pics of a swastika he carved into a sacred Indigenous prayer spot, and selfie at the same spot.
The Bureau of Land Management said it was legal to carve swastikas into sacred lands, apparently. No joke.
Here he is in distributing colored National Socialist Movement fliers in October, 2022 on his Gab “BigSky88” profile:
Salacinski, along with his Big Sky Active Club, White Lives Matter Montana, and other regional hate groups have been spouting vioent threats at LGBTQ events and a Jewish synagogue.
Armed Nazis in Missoula on their way to threaten Montana citizens at a Trans Day of Visibility gathering. Salacinski is behind the masked gunman.
Salacinski going full mask off Nazi in support of Montana GOP anti-LGBTQ policies.
If there is a mass drop of fliers reported in Helena, Bozeman, or Billings or Miles City etc, Salacinski was likely involved.
This is why I immediately suspected him of being obsessed enough to print out that many colored fliers of me to goon to and then put on every lightpost and dumpster in the blocks surrounding my residence.
These people are unhinged.
Pic of Salacinski and his notable barb wire wrist tattoo and as well some of his bizarre antisemitic trash fliers:
Nazis be like, “tEh LeFt cAn’T meMe.” Also Nazis, “HATE THE BABY PENIS VAMPIRES” …because I am sure Montanans want to wake up to this trash thrown in their driveways. That’ll sway hearts and minds.
I made my down Alderson to 7th Street West across to Broadwater up towards 14th Street West by Lewis and Clark Middle School—which was hit particularly hard with hate fliers—before going to sleep at 5:30 a.m. when it was snowing hard.
At about 11 a.m. a friend took me to take down down about 20-30 more fliers up to about 17th Street. Later, others reported they found fliers up around 20th Street West as well, so I estimate about a 80-100 fliers were put up, which suggests he likely had help.
History of Hate
As a journalist and researcher, I first wrote of of the White Lives Matter white nationalists Salacinski’s neo-nazi Big Sky Active Club group in 2022 articles.
In it, I noted concerns about my own personal safety if communities ignored looming threats:
“As an outspoken transgender Native American pacifist, I realize writing this piece potentially puts me in the crosshairs of people set on less talk, and more violence ideals. But I’ve spoken out against racism and intersectional LGBTQ-phobia too long and too hard to see those “Park Patrol” days return.”
“Park Patrol” was in reference to Neo Nazi skinheads in Billings who in the early 2000s “patrolled” Billings parks and beat up minorities.
I presume the newly formed Nationalist Park Patrol (NPP) took their name from that, as after this article was published, the Big Sky Active Club (BSAC) noted how they wanted to make me afraid, that I was in danger, and “Bring park patrols back.”
Calling me a “mentally deranged man,” the NPP celebrated the hate crime fliers of me being put up, noting one should contact them if I am seen.
In July of 2024, before they would post fliers of me, the so-called National Park Patrol put up hate propoganda footage of themselves harassing random migrant workers and accusing them all of “taking pictures of white girls” under the guise of “protecting white children” from them.
I blurred this guy’s face, but the footage is just racist POS people harassing every brown person they saw.
I feared they would likely try and do the same to me, especially as I had no vehicle and was often on foot, and they told people to contact them if they saw me.
The thing is, there is no way to contact them on their Telegram page unless you knew the administrator’s personal handle, so that led me to believe while the NPP administrator was not Salacinski, but someone affilated with him out of Bozeman.
Salacinski in Bozeman/Begrade area 2nd to from right in red hat. Far right is White Lives Matter leader, Sebastian Cambell of Butte.)
After having posted all those pics of me and probably after they realized they could be in trouble, the NPP gave a mocking denial of i involvment that perhaps it was homosexual Jews who put up the fliers.
Then in a follow-up post they basically noted the same thing the flier had said.
While difficult to prove unless he outright admits he runs the ‘anonymous’ National Park Patrol channel, the similarities of style, white nationalist ideals—and even the exact same obscure hate content—bear a striking resemblance to that of an openly racist “narionalist” named Tyler Vance who resides in Bozeman.
Ain’t laughing now, is ya?⬋⬋⬋
In Vance’s “Montana Nationalist” Substack and on the NPP page, there is a provity of collecting dozens of mugshots of the same brown people in Montana jails to paint them all with a broad, racist brush—just like Vance’s Tik Tok page does.
And we know “Brutus”/"Montana Nationalist” is Tyler Vance because someone named Roy McKenzie promoted his work while using his real name on State Senator Theresa Manzella’s weird conspiracy-laden Telegram page which linked directly to Brutus/Montana Nationalist’s works.
Follow the Vance links, which end up at? “I choose racist,” which is certainly a…take.
It must be noted, it was out of Montana State Senator Theresa Manzella’s “Mountain movers” group that outted Vance’s alias via gay Q Anoner, Roy McKenzie. Manzella once said it was “normal consequences” of LGBTQ people getting beaten for doing things like holding hands in public.
Perhaps McKenzie is one of the “good gays” to Manzella?
Vance initially had made the news when he claimed he was standing up against “tyranny” by eluding law and driving on the closed Beartooth Highway.
“This road predates the national park,” he said on a Facebook stream to the annoyed officers. “That’s a Montana town, and we have a right to get there.”
A true patriot—if by Patriot you mean ignorant whiner literally seeking out supposed “oppression.”
It must be noted the road, which was constructed from 1931-1936, does not predate Yellowstone National Park, which was created in 1872. Vance only reads shitty memes to do his research, apparently.
The Montana (white) Nationalists substack also had a distinct “Montana Independence” logo that was the same flag seen behind Vance on videos he made as well as his personal Gab page, thus further conferring it was him.
Like his Nazi pals, Vance has a strong hatred of Jews, and thus on his videos and the National Park Patrol page, you see one of the exact same pics he rants on both of them.
And here he is again whining about Jews ruining his life or whatever…
The Jewish Question? Curious.
And also very telling and what links is Vance to the National Park Patrol page, is his obsessive simping for the white nationalist group, Patriot Front.
Pictured: Patriot Front during their White Boy Summer.
Now, Patriot Front had come to protest a Pride event in Livingston, Montana in April 2024, where Vance himself had showed up.
It was love at first site for Vance regarding Patriot Front, as he frequently mentioned them in posts praising or defending them thereafter.
And as it is strange for someone in Montana to be so enamored with the young, virile, strong men of Patriot Front as Vance is…
Unconfirmed if Vance completed his own Patriot Front “training” yet.
…of course the Nationalist Park Patrol page had to post in admiration of them as well, and this coincided with Vance’s Twitter/X account speaking of Patriot Front in North Carolina.
And here is Vance reaching out to not only Patriot Front, but white lives matter and bragging up groups like Salacinski’s neo-nazi Big SkyActive Club, of course.
As a personal aside, I must state that one has to be a real piece of shit to be part of those putting up about 80-or whatever fliers basically saying this person wants to have sex with your children.
It is not only a hate crime, but stochastic terrorism as now I have to wonder if I am going to be attacked not only by the Nazi fucks who did this, but guilible conservatives who are constantly pushed anti-trans propaganda by GOP politicians, right wing grifters who make a living off rage bait, and of course, said Nazis on their side.
Pictured: what stochastic terrorism does, brought to you by conservatives and the Nazis who obsess/goon over trans people.
Here are some more highlights of Vance’s rhetoric and like his partner-in-hate-crime Andrew Salacinski, the guy is just an ugly-minded, spiteful, person who admires Hitler and apparently thinks the only thing important about a person is the color of their skin as they are such a shitty person themselves.
“Violence is like a weed—it does not die even in the greatest drought,” famed Nazi hunter Simon Weisenthal once noted.
He also said, “Information is resistance,” so armed with my proverbial pen, I write these things to help better educate and #resist against bigoted ignorance.
And instead of feeling vulnerable and in the dark, perhaps this information perhaps makes me as well as other Montanans feel a bit more enlightened and ergo empowered to stand up to such hate.
And to my 🏳️⚧️trans siblings, do not give up, and know you are valued.
Remember that. ⬋⬋⬋
Kill yourself faggot