'Take Back Bozeman' group's white supremacist ties revealed
Former Bobcat standout & NFL player suspected of being part of "anonymous" Hitler-praising group who bragged of reporting a Montana-born medical student to ICE for being non-white
Tyler Vance, who has ties to local Montana neo-Nazi groups as well as the so'-called Patriot Front, espouses the heart of values that drive the ‘Take Back Bozeman" group.
ON SEPTEMBER 7, 2023, former MSU Bobcat star and NFL player Dane Fletcher went on a local Bozeman the KBZK News to chat about a locally viral video post in regard to his frustrations with the growing number of homeless "urban campers" his hometown had seen as a swell of wealthy outsiders displaced many working-class people.
A June 2024 NBC Montana piece titled, “Bozeman's rental market among most expensive,” notes at the $2,400 median rental rate for “populous cities,” only New York City, LA, and San Diego were higher than Bozeman’s
Fletcher was less concerned about wealthy outsiders displacing locals, and wanted the city to do more about those who lived in campers or cars who oft worked for the ultra-rich at places like the nearby Big Sky Resort, which boasts of the “largest concentration of billionaires anywhere outside New York City.”
“(U.S. Senator, MT) Sheehy represents a new wave of ultrawealthy folks who see Montana as their personal playground...Privatizing these lands would devastate local economies and turn Montana into a ‘pay to play’ state where only the rich can afford to enjoy the outdoors. Do we want a Montana where only the wealthy can afford to enjoy what should belong to all of us?”~Noah Marion, Wild Montana Action Fund. ✅️True.
“We have to get the right people in place, take over these positions, and take back Bozeman,” Fletcher told KBZK.
The very same day the interview aired, Fletcher's "Take Back Bozeman" words also became the name of a Facebook and Instagram group.
“Coincidence? The universe is rarely so lazy.” -Sherlock Holmes in Sherlock.
While the group intially seemed citizens speaking up about local issues regarding safety concerns, sanitation issues, etc, soon its primary purpose seemed to delve into bullying local city council members and non-whites.
Ah, yes, the “crime” of being born with more melanonin.
Following President Trump’s inauguration, Take Back Bozeman has upped it’s racist rhetoric, manifesting by sending a creepy message to a local, Montana-born medical school student taunting her that they reported her to ICE in efforts to harass her.
What was alleged crime that made Take Back Bozeman terrorize a young, bright woman and aspiring woman medical student?
She has more skin melanin than these trashy people do, plus, she is able to also speak a language besides English.
The “Don’t Tread On Me” & “anti-government tyranny” conservative crowd being pro-tread on and tyrannize—if you are not non-white, that is.
Take Back Bozeman is not only aligned with, but has a member named Tyler Vance that is the (alleged) Administrator for the “Nationalist Park Patrol.” The white nationalist NPP group is under investigation for posting evidence of a recent hate crime by a neo-Nazi(s) targeting a Billings Indigenous transgender woman (disclosure: tis me they targeted).
Witness: what obsessive hatred of queers and BIPOC folks leads to…
These people call me “mentally ill,” yet I am not the one obsessively printing out 100 colored fliers of me to post everywhere. Talk about TDS: Trans Derangement Syndrome.
This same Nationalist Park Patrol posted a video harassing random Hispanic workers in Bozeman, accusing every single one of themof wanting to take pictures of and harass white girls and children in the Bozeman area. (By this logic, should every single white person be subjected to gross harassment if a random white person is accused of something?)
This obscure footage had only been available in the deep cesspits of Nazi pages until it was also shared on the Take Back Bozeman page.
He doed do not “endorse violence,” just condones it…
Take Back Bozeman’s Tyler Vance is a Holocaust denying antisemitic scumbag who also advocates for a race war. He is also associated with and constantly brags up the white nationalist hate group, Patriot Front, as well as aformentioned local Montana Nazi groups.
Last pic: local hate white groups associated with Take Back Bozeman gather in the Bozeman/Belgrade area.
And while Vance posted dozens of pics of evidence of a hate crime against a trans person with threats to harass them…
…much in the same vein, Fletcher's "F*#k it Friday Night" rants on his Instagram page will be talking about local policy issues with reasonable merit, then it oft frequently and bizarrely veer offs into how much he despises all of the many trans people in Bozeman (sarcasm) that must have apparently personally wronged him in his life.
Nobody: … Absolutely nobody: … Dane Fletcher: I AM THINKING ABOUT TRANS PENIS! WHY AREN’T YOU?!
As if to show off how much his guillible brain is cooked by its obsessive anti-trans propaganda grift diet, Fletcher recently made the ridiculous claim kids were going to school and behaving as amimals/”furries” because of trans people. This hoax was widely debunked years ago, and would be laughable if people like Fletcher still didn’t use it to justify hate at his fellow Montana citizens.
Source: Trust me, Bro.
Said hoax stems from a pic of cat litter in a classroom closet that in transphobe-brainrot-cooked minds, apprently this was “proof” kids were attending class and shitting in cat litter because they 'identified' as animals. (The actual reason there was cat litter in that particular closet was in case a child had to pee as they hid in the event of an active shooter or drill.)
In the famous words of fellow guillible meathead, Joe Brogan, “Why does it lie?”
Of course, like many transphobes, Fletcher pretextualizes dehumanizing trans people with “have a gay/lesbian friend who also does not like trans people….”
Fletcher's Trans Derangement Syndrome (TDS) and constant barrage of personal attacks at city council members aside, his knowledge of the particulars regarding local Bozeman's city governing seems astute if anything—as does the Take Back Bozeman page when it is not posting vids from antisemitic neo-nazi pages and insulting non-whites.
While Take Back Bozeman addresses itself as a collective, unless they outright admit they write posts, it is all alleged (although there is photographic evidence of most of these people at an early meeting, but perhaps some those people understandably no longer want to be seen sitting at a table with Nazis), so we look at available reciepts with the easiest one being Jena Nash Reno who outright commented publicly on “behalf of Take Back Bozeman.”
And like her fellow Take Back Bozeman members, Anna also appears to be plagued by the (apparently) many trans people that have affected her day to day life in Bozeman.
Dogs’ identities blurred to save them from being associated with such kooky cringe.
And of course you have local Nazi douchecanoe Tyler Vance, and (allegedly and sadly) former NFL player, Dane Fletcher.
And while one has to say “allegedly” despite his talking points mirroring the in-depth analysis, I can’t imagine those other kooks making…
…the real test is if he condemns the racist actions and Nazi associations of Take Back Bozeman if asked, and not carry water for them by justifying their disgusting behavior towards his fellow Montana citizens.
Or, just be a leader and step up and be like, “Hey, what the fuck are you people doing harassing some Montana medical student? For what, being brown? And then making jokes about it?”
Is this type of blatantly racist hate—and all of the above examples—the type of Bozeman you want to be on the side of and supposedly “take back”?
People, not just in Bozeman, but throughout Montana, look up to you as a hero and inspitation, Dane.
With that being said…
take back bozeman has also morphed into gallatin valley sentinel! they were pretty involved in the city charter process here in bozeman - scary